Viruses attacking files

The removal of viruses from the files is simple and rather boring work. The main problem is to decide how to remove the virus.

A one hundred per cent sure renewal will only be ensured by restoring files from their backup copies (of course, if you have any backup copy and if this copy is not infected by the same or another type of viruses). It may be simple and reliable to restore the files from the backup copies. If you devote time to creating backup copies periodically, you will find out why it will pay. It is fast and comfortable work.

If you periodically use the integrity checking program and have the current version of the database at your disposal, you can practically be without any worries. AVAST32 will enable you to restore the files which are infected practically by all the viruses (approximately 95 per cent of different types of viruses). The reliability of the renewal is the same as in the case of the restoring of your files from the backup copies, because AVAST32 is checking, whether it has managed to restore the file to the last bit.

If you cannot use anything from the above paragraphs, the situation starts to be more difficult. Yet you do not have to lose any of your programs. Nevertheless, you must have the original diskettes or their copies at your disposal. It, however, means much more work because you must uninstall and again install the infected programs, which brings about a lot of well-known problems connected with the saving of all the tasks and settings which you have invented with so much effort.

Uninstallation of programs is not limited to their simple deletion from the disk. All the "serious" programs for the operating systems Windows 95 and NT (including AVAST32) are capable to be uninstalled, which means more than just to be deleted from the disk only.

If you cannot use this way either, you are facing a problem. Really a serious problem, because the only thing we can recommend to you is to delete the infected files. To tell the truth, there is still one possible variant, which you can use, but its results may be sad enough. It concerns the possibility of removing the viruses from the files by means of some other antivirus program. Such a removal has a big advantage. You cannot find out whether the file corrected is in the same state in which it was before the infection. It is also the main reason for which AVAST32 does not contain any similar property.